About Us

Meet Gilbert Michael Daigneau

My name is Gilbert Michael Daigneau and I’m a farmer.  While studying nutrition in graduate school in the College of Agriculture at the University of Florida, I learned many facts about food, food production and agriculture.  I have witnessed a continued distortion of facts about food to the point where false accusations are being made to support and perpetuate a particular agenda. That’s why I’m bringing you Go Natural Education.

If you are like me, you enjoy eating a steak, a roast or a hamburger – and you don’t deserve to be made to feel bad about it. There is a well-organized, well-funded and well-orchestrated effort to demonize beef and replace it with synthetic laboratory-produced beef substitute. It is being done in an effort to characterize beef production as a carbon producer and contributor to global warming. Is this true? Let’s look at the facts. That’s what we do here.

Gil Daigenau - Landscape

The Truth About Food Production

It is our intent at Go Natural Education to truthfully explore the dynamics of food production in an effort for you to make an informed decision about what you eat. In addition, we will shed light on an emerging agenda focused on changing the choice of what you have to eat. Think of agendas that started out small in the not distant past and have gained momentum taking over entire thought processes.

With your help, we will investigate nutrition, food and food production. If this is a concern for you like it is for me, read our blog and subscribe to our YouTube channel . You can also contact me at gmdaigneau@gmail.com. Memberships will be available soon.