Category Archives: Agriculture

Sashti Balasundaram, the founder and CEO of WeRadiate, describes his company’s data-driven approach to revitalizing soil.

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Cow manure is typically used as fertilizer, but did you know this organic matter can also be turned into energy? Four processes are used.

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Nanoplastics are found in food – including meat. How do they affect human health? How do they enter the meat supply?

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Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that measure less than 5 millimeters (mm) in diameter. They’re found in meat, but in what amounts?

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Go Natural Education interviewed InnovaPrep about the company’s microbiological sample preparation tools and their applications in agriculture.

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Grassfed beef is good for your health, but is it good for the environment? Let’s consider how grassfed cows affect soil and water.

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Grassfed beef is higher in omega-3s, CLA, and antioxidants. It’s also lower in total fast and poses less risk of antibiotic resistance.

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Harmful algal blooms (HAB) happen when there’s rapid and excessive growth of toxin-producing algae. Farmers are part of the solution.

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Did you know that an acre of grass can produce more oxygen than an acre of trees? Let’s compare a 5,000 sq. ft. area of trees to a lawn of the same size. The trees produce enough oxygen for between 8 and 18 people, but the same area covered in grass produces enough oxygen for almost 35 people. That’s a big difference. Yet there’s more to the story. A well-manicured lawn isn’t the same as a native grassland, and some trees produce more oxygen than others. There are also differences in oxygen production depending on the time of year and various environmental conditions, such as the amount of sunlight and water. That’s because of the relationship between photosynthesis and oxygen production. Let’s dig into the truth about oxygen outputs for each type of plant life.   Redwoods in the Pacific Northwest Dense Forests Did you know that there’s a difference between…

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Monoculture grows a single species of plant or tree in an area. Biodiversity cultivates a variety of species instead. Which approach is best?

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