Why Does Food Waste Occur?
Food waste is a social problem, a humanitarian issue, and an environmental concern. So why is it happening, and on such a massive scale?
Food Waste and the Environment: An Introduction (Part 1)
The problem with food waste isn’t just economic. It’s also a large and growing environmental problem. Learn why.
Why Cows Are Not Bad for the Environment (Part 2)
The demonization of animal-based foods might be trendy, but the reality is that cows and the farmers who raise them are not bad for the environment.
Why Cows Are Not Bad for the Environment (Part 1)
“The demonization of animal food is almost entirely unfounded,” claims Paul Saladino, MD in a recent YouTube video. We examine his claims.
How Does Lab Grown Meat Affect Human Health? (SAP)
The USDA and FDA claim have approved lab grown meat from two companies as safe for human consumption. But is it?
How Much Energy Does Lab Grown Meat Require? (SAP)
Advocates claim that lab-grown meat will need less energy than traditional meat production. Others aren’t so sure.
What is Lab Grown Meat’s Impact on the Environment? (SAP)
Advocates of lab-grown meat, or synthetic alternative protein (SAP), claim that it will better for the environment than raising cattle. Not everyone agrees.
Bioreactors, Scaffolding and Lab Grown Meat (SAP)
Bioreactors and cellular scaffolding are used to produce lab grown meat, but forming is the final step in the process.
Fetal Bovine Serum and Lab Grown Meat (SAP)
Today, fetal bovine serum (FBS) is a key ingredient in the production of lab grown meat. Yet its extraction is controversial.
Stem Cells, Satellite Cells and Lab Grown Meat (SAP)
To produce lab grown meat, stem cells and satellite are extracted from a subject animal and added to a cell culture medium.